April 20, 2020 – MARKET REPORT

Receipts were 1660 including 510 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 1150 yearlings and calves. We had 142 consignors and 82 buyers. Packer cows were $3 to $5 higher. Packer bulls were $2 to $4 higher. The market was $75 to $100 higher on the better-quality bred cows and pairs. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under was steady. Feeder steers, bulls & heifers weighing over 500# was steady. We had a good run of cattle today with calves and yearlings being steady even with the board being lower.


For GLC Located at Old Mineral Wells Sale Barn

Opens Saturdays & Sundays 8am-5pm

GLC will transport to Graham for Monday’s Sale


Representative Sales

Kevin Barnett, Decatur                    David Conner, Wichita Falls          James Conner, Wichita Falls

Blk Hfr, 570# @ $121                      3 Blk Cows, 978# @ $58                Blk Hfr, 505# @ $129

Wht Str, 625# @ $135                    4 Blk Cows, 1115# @ $63              4 Blk Strs, 705# @ $118


Kent Creel, Newcastle                    Fore & Ellison, Breckenridge         Eric Henry, Jacksboro

2 Blk Cows, 1753# @ $66              4 Blk Hfrs, 561# @ $130                Blk Bull, 635# @ $124

Blk Str, 1025# @ $100                    7 Blk Bulls, 541# @ $137               Blk Bull, 375# @ $160


Russell Holland, Moran                  Rhonda Houston, Millsap               Gene Jacobs, Mingus

4 Blk Bulls, 560# @ $130               Blk Str, 495# @ $141                      Blk Str, 460# @ $160

Blk Hfr, 740# @ $105                      Blk Hfr, 540# @ $115                      Blk Hfr, 445# @ $137


Kulhanek Farms, Megargel            Jim Maddox, Weatherford              Booper Rokus, Millsap

Blk Bull, 2165# @ $90                    Blk Cow, 1625# @ $67                   3 Blk Bulls, 427# @ $151

6 Blk Hfrs, 533# @ $125                Blk Bull, 400# @ $152                    Blk WF Str, 365# @ $179