MARKET REPORT – February 3, 2020

Receipts were 2168 including 391 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 1777 yearlings and calves. We had 208 consignors and 56 buyers. Packer cows were steady. Packer bulls were $2 to $4 higher. The market was steady on the better-bred cows and pairs. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under were steady. Feeder steers, bulls & heifers weighing over 500# were $2 to $3 lower. We had a good run of cattle today with the market being steady to a little softer.


50 Bred Blk Angus Cows, 4-7 Yrs Old, with 30 Babies at side

50 Bred Blk Brangus Cows, 4-7 Yrs Old, with 20 Babies at side

3 Yr Old Red Angus Bull, Tested & Ready to Go

3 Yr Old Blk Angus Bull, Tested & Ready to Go


Representative Sales

R Armstrong, Weatherford             Lindell Dickerson, Aspermont        Dugger C/C, Wichita Falls

3 Blk Hfrs, 527# @ $134                4 Yel Hfrs, 743# @ $122                5 Blk Strs, 711# @ $140

4 Blk Strs, 695# @ $135                 6 Yel Strs, 813# @ $130                20 Blk Hfrs, 421# @ $160


Tom Turner, Abernathy                  Herman Glueck, Cisco                    Harrell F/R, Graham

2 Blk Strs, 330# @ $189                 4 Blk Hfrs, 565# @ $130                10 Blk Hfrs, 551# @ $142

10 Blk Strs, 456# @ $164              Blk Str, 495# @ $172                      3 Blk Bulls, 478# @ $161


Hendrick Ranch, Lipan                   CH Herring, Breckenridge           H Keeter, Throckmorton

7 Blk Hfrs, 447# @ $155                4 Blk Hfrs, 613# @ $125                Blk Cow, 1540# @ $69

8 Blk Strs, 359# @ $175                 Blk Bull, 570# @ $131                    Blk Hfr, 355# @ $147


Howard Lawrence, Comanche      Lela London, Vernon                   Ogle Cattle Co, Bowie

5 Blk Strs, 713# @ $137                 Grey Bull, 460# @ $157                 Grey Bull, 2345# @ $94

9 Blk Strs, 611# @ $145                 5 Grey Hfrs, 590# @ $125             Blk Bull, 2365# @ $98