February 8, 2021 MARKET REPORT

Receipts were 1787 including 274 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 1513 yearlings and calves. We had 187 consignors and 54 buyers.  Packer cows were $2 to $3 higher. Packer bulls were $1 to $4 higher. Young replacement cows and pairs were steady on a light test. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under were steady to last week’s higher market. Market on steers and heifers weighing over 500# were steady with active bidding. The market was higher today on packer cows and bulls with the calves being steady to strong.


45 Blk Cows, 5-6 Yrs Old, 15 Babies on the Ground

& Rest are Heavy Bred

30 Blk Cows, 7-9 Yrs Old, Heavy Bred



For GLC Located at Old Mineral Wells Sale Barn

Opens Saturdays & Sundays 8am-5pm

GLC will transport to Graham for Monday’s Sale


Representative Sales

Eric Anderson, Graford                   Lonnie Buerger, Archer City           Dugger C/C, Wichita Falls

2 Blk Strs, 395# @ $185                 10 Blk Hfrs, 688# @ $120              6 Blk Bulls, 630# @ $125

Red WF Str, 305# @ $200             Blk WF Bull, 830# @ $110             18 Blk Strs, 550# @ $151


J Fitzgerald, Jacksboro         Full Circle Ranch, Weatherford          Larry Godwin, Wichita Falls

Blk Str, 610# @ $139                      5 Blk Strs, 826# @ $128                 4 Blk Bulls, 423# @ $177

12 Blk WF Hfrs, 583# @ $132       Blk Str, 615# @ $129                      3 Blk Hfrs, 390# @ $158


John Harris, Ranger                        Troy Hoefer, Cresson                     Kirk Knight, Cisco

7 Blk Bulls, 485# @ $150               Blk Cow, 1420# @ $72                   Wht Hfr, 495# @ $143

Blk Hfr, 500# @ $148                      Red Cow, 1295# @ $68                 Wht Bull, 1855# @ $101


Howard Lawrence, Comanche      Larry McClure, Aledo                  Jerry McCowen, Knox City

3 Blk Bulls, 540# @ $132               6 Blk Hfrs, 577# @ $137                2 Blk Hfrs, 670# @ $122

10 Red WF Strs, 575# @ $149     5 Blk Strs, 542# @ $166                 Red MF Hfr, 790# @ $115