January 4, 2021 MARKET REPORT

Receipts were 1819 including 311 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 1508 yearlings and calves. We had 176 consignors and 57 buyers.  Packer cows were $2 to $3 higher. Packer bulls were $3 to $5 higher. Young replacement cows and pairs were steady. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under were steady to $2 lower. Market on steers and heifers weighing over 500# was steady to $3 lower. The market was lower on all steers & heifers today due to the board being down the limit on the fats and feeder cattle.


For GLC Located at Old Mineral Wells Sale Barn

Opens Saturdays & Sundays 8am-5pm

GLC will transport to Graham for Monday’s Sale


Representative Sales

Hunter Bell, Lipan                            Jody Bellah, Throckmorton            Tommy Blessing, Ranger

Blk Cow, 1425# @ $62                   5 Blk Strs, 651# @ $142                 3 Blk Hfrs, 528# @ $122

Blk Bull, 1595# @ $84                    2 Blk Strs, 728# @ $130                 3 Blk Strs, 523# @ $145


Jody Henderson, Decatur              Gary Hunter, Bowie                         Rusty Looper, Holliday

8 Blk WF Strs, 504# @ $155         Blk Bull, 1620# @ $87                    Blk Str, 755# @ $125

9 Blk WF Hfrs, 409# @ $142         Blk Hfr, 590# @ $120                      5 Blk Hfrs, 621# @ $120


Levi Myers, Rule                              Parrish Ranch, Mineral Wells        David Phillips, Graham

Blk Hfr, 575# @ $118                      10 Blk Strs, 378# @ $170              3 Blk Strs, 508# @ $151

2 Blk Strs, 585# @ $140                 20 Blk WF Hfrs, 333# @ $155       9 Blk Hfrs, 526# @ $124


Kenneth Smith, Brock                     Joe Walraven, Ranger                    Joe Bob Whitaker, Olney

3 Blk MF Hfrs, 410# @ $145         10 Blk Hfrs, 520# @ $126              4 Blk Strs, 765# @ $125

3 Blk Bulls, 487# @ $149               11 Blk Strs, 583# @ $130              6 Blk Hfrs, 691# @ $120