March 22, 2021 MARKET REPORT

Receipts were 1621 including 461 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 1160 yearlings and calves. We had 161 consignors and 68 buyers.  Packer cows were $4 to $6 higher. Packer bulls were steady to $2 higher. Young replacement cows and pairs were steady to $100 higher on the better keeping cows. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under were steady. Market on steers and heifers weighing over 500# were steady. The market was steady to strong on all steers and heifers.


1 Red Angus Bull, 2 Yrs Old, Tested and Ready to Go

6 Red Angus Open Heifers



For GLC Located at Old Mineral Wells Sale Barn

Opens Saturdays & Sundays 8am-5pm

GLC will transport to Graham for Monday’s Sale


Representative Sales

Adams C/C, Haskell                        Robert Atwood, Abilene                 Bernstein Ranch, Albany

Blk Bull, 1730# @ $90                    Blk Hfr, 495# @ $135                      Blk Hfr, 395# @ $152

Blk Bull, 1760# @ $95                    Blk Str, 525# @ $175                      2 Blk Strs, 400# @ $182


Circle R Cattle, Bowie                     Kent Creel, Newcastle                    Judy Dworsky, Weatherford

5 Blk Hfrs, 556# @ $130                5 Blk Strs, 504# @ $170                 Blk Bull, 510# @ $143

8 Blk Bulls, 609# @ $146               9 Blk Hfrs, 512# @ $135                Blk Bull, 250# @ $190


S Forester, Blue Grove                    S Gober, Throckmorton              B Halfmann, San Angelo

4 Blk Bulls, 671# @ $128               4 Blk Pair, $1710                              Blk Bull, 590# @ $130

Blk Hfr, 475# @ $137                      6 Blk Pair, $1700                              2 Blk Bred Cows, $1000


Spencer Key, Olney                        Tab Sims, Jacksboro                       William Earp, Baird

2 Blk Hfrs, 720# @ $132                2 Blk Bulls, 540# @ $149               Blk Cow, 1710# @ $70

2 Blk Strs, 518# @ $174                 4 Blk Strs, 628# @ $151                 8 Blk Hfrs, 814# @ $119