Feb 22, 2021 MARKET REPORT

Receipts were 569 including 108 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 461 yearlings and calves. We had 74 consignors and 33 buyers. Packer cows were $5 to $10 higher. Packer bulls were $6 to $8 higher. Young replacement cows and pairs were steady on a light test. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under were $5 to $8 higher. Market on steers and heifers weighing over 500# were $3 to $5 higher. We had a light run today due to the weather but had a real high market.


100 Blk Cows, 3-6 Yrs Old, 25 Babies on the Ground

& Rest are Heavy Bred

30 Blk Cows, 6-9 Yrs Old, Heavy Bred

20 Red Angus Cows, 3-5 Yrs Old, 6-8 Mths Bred

10 First Calf Heifer Pairs

3 Charolais Bulls, 2 Yrs Old

1 Red Angus Bull, 2 Yrs Old

3 Blk Angus Bulls, 2 Yrs Old



MONDAY, March 1st in Conjunction with our Regular Sale        

To qualify for this sale, cattle must be steers or heifers and weaned a MINIMUM of 45 days and given two rounds of shots

Representative Sales

Clay Alexander, Poolville               Boyett Farms, Moran                   Robert Cannon, Springtown

9 Blk Hfrs, 486# @ $148                4 Blk Strs, 554# @ $155                 Blk Cow, 1290# @ $74

5 Blk Strs, 544# @ $175                 4 Blk Bulls, 744# @ $126               Blk Bull, 275# @ $182


Danny Diggs, Old Glory                 Larry Fuller, Weatherford            Richard Gary, Graford

Blk Str, 550# @ $152                      3 Blk Strs, 693# @ 139                   2 Blk Hfrs, 328# @ $150

Blk WF Str, 620# @ $140               Blk Hfr, 630# @ $127                      Blk Bull, 330# @ $170


Tom Hall, Palo Pinto                       J & M Legacy Farms, Electra         Charles Loftin, Tolar

Blk Cow, 1535# @ $73                   Blk Cow, 1350# @ $77                   2 Blk WF Cows, 1193# @ $63

2 Blk Bulls, 443# @ $185               Blk Str, 475# @ $150                      Blk Bull, 290# @ $190


David Spiller, Jacksboro              R Tribodeaux, Stephenville          Wade Bowsher, Perrin

Blk Str, 505# @ $158                      Blk Bull, 410# @ $174                    Blk Bull, 685# @ $124

Blk Str, 565# @ $155                      2 Red Hfrs, 325# @ $150               Blk Bull, 550# @ $162