March 1, 2021 MARKET REPORT

Receipts were 2194 including 448 packer cows, bred cows and pairs and 1746 yearlings and calves. We had 181 consignors and 64 buyers.  Packer cows were steady to $5 lower. Packer bulls were steady. Young replacement cows and pairs were steady. Market on steers and heifers weighing 500# and under were steady to $10 higher on the weaned calves and steady on the non-weaned calves. Market on steers and heifers weighing over 500# were steady. We had a good run of cattle today with all classes of cattle being steady to strong.


For GLC Located at Old Mineral Wells Sale Barn

Opens Saturdays & Sundays 8am-5pm

GLC will transport to Graham for Monday’s Sale


Representative Sales

Ben Blount, Paducah                    D Brashear, Weatherford              David Campbell, Strawn

55 Grey Hfrs, 512# @ $139           Blk WF Hfr, 370# @ $135              5 Red Hfrs, 477# @ $137

42 Wht Strs, 557# @ $169             Blk WF Str, 410# @ $175               10 Red Strs, 397# @ $198


Eddie Chambers, Knox City        J Cooper, Monument NM               Bob Earles, Haskell

Red Hfr, 805# @ $114                    36 Blk Hfrs, 455# @ $150              4 Blk Hfrs, 590# @ $135

2 Red Bulls, 475# @ $178             25 Blk Strs, 458# @ $201              5 Red Strs, 712# @ $138


Brad Fenter, Henrietta                    Full Circle, Weatherford               John T Harris, Ranger

6 Blk WF Hfrs, 580# @ $132         3 Blk Hfrs, 725# @ $120                4 Blk Pair, $1400

2 Blk Strs, 560# @ $155                 4 Blk Strs, 726# @ $134                 Blk Bull, 370# @ $203


Horton Ranches, Ft Worth             Mark Sides, DeLeon                       Kenny Spitzer, Old Glory

8 Blk Hfrs, 363# @ $155                4 Blk Hfrs, 689# @ $125                2 Blk Cows, 1658# @ $66

10 Blk Strs, 466# @ $184              5 Blk Strs, 514# @ $163                 2 Yel Bulls, 1885# @ $107